OnRobot Dual Quick Changer

Categories: , Tags: , SKU: DQCHANGER


The Dual Quick Changer offers the same flexibility and fast tool changing as the regular Quick Changer – only now, you can equip your robot with two end-of-arm tooling (EoAT) attachments simultaneously. By equipping your robotic arm with two end effectors you enable the use of two tools in a single cycle, improving productivity by 50% or more. The Dual Quick Changer comes with a low built-in height and weight and is designed to fit all major robot brands. Consequently, you can use our tools interchangably with your existing robots for maximum efficiency.

  • Dual gripper speeds cycle time and can improve productivity by 50% or more
  • Increased productivity offers faster payback, with ROI in as little as 3 months
  • High repeatability, Increased up-time in CNC machine tending
  • Payload up to 20kg
